We keep improving our supply chain performance to bring about the most effective adjustments so as to reduce your costs and boost your profits while delivering quality products and services according to your guest’s needs. Our supply network strategies take numerous variables into consideration including order volumes, delivery locations and custom needs and avoid any redundancies in the process.
From negotiating contracts and managing vendors to procuring and bringing in the latest and innovative products and services, we do everything only after taking your guests into account. Our market forecast strategies enable us to provide your guests with standardized products tailored to their needs along with predicting the demand in the future.
Information flow across the supply chain is one of the prominent challenges for Hotel industry. Stats show that 76% of the hotels have communication barriers among their logistics. That’s why at Centriti, we have an open and transparent communication exchange regarding contracts and terms of delivery.
Product quality directly impacts the supply chain and your hotel’s overall profitability. Therefore, it’s vital for us to not only keep a quality check on procurement but to maintain that grade across the chain. Centriti’s end to end minimum standard quality criteria allows us to determine and achieve realistic targets by setting relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) including final product quality assessment and complaint resolution.